Friday, May 25, 2007

Morning walk

Every morning I drive to work not really feeling awake and a part of the world. I park and begin my 400 meter walk to work.
I await this walk in the spring, because even though it is in the city, there are plenty of reminders of life and growth and newness around me. My favorite these last several weeks has been the lilacs. Along the sidewalk, my company has planted four large lilac "trees". I can smell them from afar, and always make a point to stop and smell them. This transports me to wonderful memories of wandering in Highland park, examining Lilacs of every color and type, from many countries in the world.
I like this unifying theme of lilacs-- a plant that is liked and grown the world over. Nina tells me stories of the lilacs in several parts of Russia where she lives, and I can understand them, because she many as well have been talking about my neighborhood as a kid, where there were lilacs. or any of the three houses I have owned since then.

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