Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Running and Spring

Today was a very nice, sunny day, with a high of around 16. Since I got to work on time for a change, I left at a reasonable time. We ate dinner, and then I got to go our for a short run before it got dark outside.

The last time I ran it seemed soooooo hard, especially at first. THAT was on a treadmill, indoors. Today it was much easier, as I finally got to run outside. The birds were chirping, spring was in the air, there were interesting things to look at - good distraction, I guess.

When running on the path (trolley trail) I met a rather large (35 cm?) snapping turtle trying to cross the path from one pond to the next. (S)he was in no hurry. I didn't stop, but rather told myself I would look for her on the way back. Well, when I returned, no surprise, there was no turtle.

On the way home, I heard my first spring peepers. These are small frogs (actually I have never seen a spring peeper) that sing in the spring - by the hundreds! They really make me smile, and remind me that spring, and then summer, with all of the various night sounds, are coming. Winters long quiet is now done, being first replaced by the trickling sound of melting ice, to rain and thunderstorms, to peepers, and to birds.

Also, at the top of the road I saw a fox again. I am always amazed at how FAST foxes run! They look like the streak fast at twice the speed of any other animal! Nina tells me that they appear so fast because their body travels absolutely flat and straight like an arrow, while the little legs just fly underneath, at the speed of sound. Or rather at the speed of quiet.

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