Sunday, April 11, 2004

Eastern Phoebe in back yard - spring is coming! Next stop will be first warblers, which are usually Yellow-rumped warblers.  Not the most spectacular, but first! On Friday started my first weekly spring "walk the trolly trail in the morning and watch the birds come back one by one".  18 species checked in - a start.  Hard to belive that in several weeks we will be looking at upwards of 40 species there!

Finally getting some work done - seems each weekend takes a day or two to "get started", which is a pain when there are only 2 days.  So today is going to be good, or so I promise myself.

G is not having a good weekend - her "ex father in law" died yesterday, and this caused an emergency trip to Albany.  I didn't go with her, as I would have kept her from getting what she needs out of the trip, and it just was not the place for me.  So instead I am sitting home eating the Russian chocolates she brought me yesterday afternoon - a few too many!  But heck, it's Easter.

Music playing now - Poulenc's Gloria.  I like it, but apparently the first time it was played (in church?) it caused a rather mixed review.  Their loss, not mine!

Maybe next after some bills will be a short ice skating practice, followed by a short dog walk - Anya is looking rather bored!

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