Monday, February 12, 2007

One obsession closed, but new ones soon to be born...

OK, the "market research for digtal SLR" obsession is now over with. And the winner is: the Nikon D80, with the Nikon 18-200mm VR (vibration reduction) lens.

The first part (the body) arrived Friday, and I understand that the lens arrived today, and is waiting for me at home.

Now we can start a few new related obsessions! Here they are:
  • Obsession 1 - understanding the camera and playing with it. Soon to begin.
  • Obsession 2 - hard case for the SLR project: I have a "semi-soft" case, but that doesn't really help me pack the camera in a backpack or suitcase. So I need something stiff. I am looking into either making some sort of clamshell case, or a wooden box that can hold the new baby.
  • Obsession 3 - digital workflow. OK, I'm going to try to defer this one for a while. For most of my photography, I expect to continue to use .jpg mode in the sRBG color space. However, sometimes I will use raw mode for fancy stuff. This raises more questions than it solves, however. Here are a few: do you use the sRGB or Adobe RGB color space? Do you always keep both the raw and final file (and is that .jpg or photoshop, or .tiff, or what? And what color space should THAT file be in?

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