Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Well, several days ago winter finally arrived - it is -10C out at the moment, and there is, well, maybe 15 cm of white, fluffy snow on the ground.  I may have to actually shovel the driveway - only the second or third time this year, and this is February!  Its going to stay winter at least through the week.  It will help me enjoy California next week ;-)

This has been a busy week at work - just a lot of things to do.  I am collaborating with Eric on a paper (although I am worried I am not going to be able to give it a fair share of my time), and there is some standards activity going on, which is OK.  Next week I go on a combination trip - first to San Diego (CA) for a 2 day meeting, then a one day meeting in Denver, CO, then back home again.

I have been doing at least a reasonable job of keeping my exercise up - the last two days I ran (yesterday for 6.5 km, tonight for 7 km) - enough that my toes complained with some small blisters.  So no more running 'til Saturday.  Tonight it was easy because I had plenty of good distractions (and believe me, running on a treadmill NEEDS distractions).  I had the pool people to watch (waterslide and all), an MP3 player to listen to, and, special, tonight only, a girl and guy (they seemed to know each other well)  high school students (Juniors or Seniors - hard to tell.  They were loudly chatting away about everything high school - chemisty homework, falling asleep sitting up, what all their friends were doing, who is going to the snowflake ball, why ___ is so quiet lately.  Amusing.

G is almost done with her nutrition course, and doing very well, of course.  We both agree it will be GOOD for it to be OVER.

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