Friday, January 20, 2006

Well, I'm beginning to feel a bit guilty about our strange weather here now that NW Russia is having such a cold spell - maybe our turn will come soon.  But here it is -- +13 degrees, and once again, people are not wearing jackets to work. It is a repeat of this time last week - last Thursday we had the same.  After that, it had indeed turned back to winter, with some reasonable temperatures more in the -8 range.  And it snowed, and the world once again turned white - it actually made sense to wake up and look outside.  January should have snow.  But then Tuesday it rained and the world once again turned green.  And now its warm.  Lunchtime walk, I think.  We'll see.

My sister had been visiting my Mom in Florida, and left yesterday to go back home in Canada.  She is in for a rude surprise, as Florida was in the mid-twenties temperature wise, and it is now -14 back at home, with -21C forecast for tomorrow.

. . . Almost like St. Petersburg, at least at the moment!

The last two nights I have been making an incremental dinner - there has been no time to cook, so after getting back from the gyn at 10:20 I start to cook.  Two days ago I did chopping, and last night I cooked.  A stir fry dish that if nothing else is pretty.  Hope is tastes ok.  Here is a picture:

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